October 25, 2008


Did I mention how busy the Fall gets?? Well, it does. This morning I had a baby shower then we have to watch the Tech game, go to a birthday party this afternoon and go to a Halloween party tonight! I am not complaining, it is all so fun!!!

Anyways, I was waiting on these pictures from my mom! Their house is still a work in progress, so I will send more pictures later! This was the first weekend they moved in (the first weekend in October), so we all went down to help them out!
Listening for airplanes with her hand on her ear...she was obsessed with airplanes that week!
Looking for airplanes... Out to eat at Fox Sports Grill
Kendall's first ride in Cece's new convertible
Living room
The front of their house

And, I HAD to add this, because it became an ongoing joke with my mom and I! Of course, my parents were so lucky to have movers pack their house in Amarillo. However, we were always surprised to open boxes and find out they were NOT what they said, or that they had RANDOM things packed together! Here were some of our favorites:

"Pictures and Can Opener"

"Adding Machine and Cat Litter" (they do not own a cat)

"Pans and Christmas Piks"

"Coats, Art and Flowers"

1 comment:

Erin said...

Beautiful house and fun pictures! I am so glad you posted them. Wanted to see what the house looks like.