January 16, 2009

Grown-Up Girl Bonding Day

Jay was out of town most of the week and Kendall and I still were not feeling 100% from the weekend. So, we decided to stay home and do "girl stuff". Kendall picked out her own outfit, we fixed each other's hair, made chocolate chip muffins, colored pictures, went shopping real quick at Wal-Mart (gotta have wipes...), painted our fingernails, watched a princess movie, made a big girl lunch ( baked potatoes and fruit salad), played lots of dress up, and mainly just bummed around! We do all of these things alot, just usually not ALL in the same day! Ha!
Kendall's outfit she picked out
Playing dress up
Drying her fingernails
Cooking chocolate chip muffins

1 comment:

Hill Country Happenings said...

sounds like a great GIRL day to me!