December 1, 2008

Some of Kendall's Favorite Songs

I am so disappointed in myself. I promised myself when I got my awesome Nikon camera that I would still shoot videos....but I haven't really dont that. Until now. Here are some for your viewing pleasure and for a good laugh. View more videos by clicking on Kendall's Videos link on the right toolbar, which will take you to her youtube page I created for our friends and family.


Unknown said...

Those are just the cutest videos yet! Such a dancer, got rhythm from her MAMA!! Love it! Cece

Erin said...

Gracious! Hayden and I loved the one of her singing her ABCs with an Austrailian accent!

Hill Country Happenings said...

isnt it amazing that this time last year we were just hoping for an I love you or hi mommy and now they now full songs and love to perform! so cute!